All you need to know about our services
The Vision System
What does a typical vision setup look like?
A vision system normally contains a light source, a camera with optics and a computer.
Simple jobs can be solved with smart cameras which is just a camera with build in computer and a light source.
What does a typical project process look like?
When the customer presents us with an inspection job, we look at the whole concept. First of all - is it feasible? And will the benefit be justified compared to the cost? Basically, will it make sense?
Then we ask for samples or good pictures of the part, process, or installation. If relevant, we want to see samples. The samples must contain marginal defects. These are the defects, you may accept as good or as a reject. The marginal defects determine the sensitivity of the system.
After some work JLI can normally give a fixed price quotation. We base our proposal on experience from similar projects and calculations using the latest hardware and software.
If there is doubt about the sensitivity, speed, or other parameters, we often suggest a paid preliminary study. This will investigate all critical parts of the job and provide a statistical analysis showing how well the vision system will work in real production. The preliminary report will be used to verify that the vision system will operate as predicted.
The preliminary report is not an extra cost to the project, as this is part of the development. By doing the preliminary investigation you take out the risk of the project and get a better understanding of the limits and benefits.
Learn more about our process here:
The Machine Vision Project Checklist
What error rate can I expect on a vision system?
The vision system is very rugged and we have several systems installed in steel- and glassworks.
These industries are characterized by dust, heat, and vibration, but if the systems are designed correctly, it is our experience that they can work flawlessly for 15 years or more.
When working in the medical device industry the demand is zero defects. This will of course add extra costs for testing, validation, and documentation
What are the typical dimensions of hardware?
The smart cameras do not take up more space than an ordinary small surveillance camera. These days LED’s are used for illumination and these light sources require very little space.
If you need more powerful systems they can come in floor standing rack, taking up space like a refrigerator. These large systems are typically installed in a computer room, while cameras and lights are out on the factory floor.
How do you extract specific information from an image?
Depending on the task, we use solutions and software developed over the last 35 years.
The most important factor when developing a reliable system is experience. - Experience from many industries, and many different applications. JLI have delivered more than a thousand systems.
How fast is the system, and how long does it take to perform the analysis?
The fastest systems make 60.000 exposures and analysis a second. These are systems for finding minute defects in glass tubes.
There are few practical limitations to speed. If the computer is not fast enough you can step up to more powerful equipment, or simply add more CPU power.
Are tolerances protected from changes?
There are several levels of access protection in our systems. JLI have full access to programs. The super user can make adjustments to tolerances and assign staff to operate the equipment. Factory personnel may reset counters or change parameters when changing production. All levels are protected by passwords.
The strategy is designed according to the requirements of the customer’s organization.
What data formats does JLI deliver data in?
Basically in all formats. We have interfaced our systems to a great number of standards and protocols since 1985. Don’t worry. We can make it work.
Does JLI provide Mecanics and turn-key solutions?
JLI can supply turn key systems including mechanics. We cooperate with the best machine builders.
Guarantees & references
What do we do, if the system does not work?
The system will be tested thoroughly before shipping from JLI. The customers normally take part in the Factory Acceptance Test at JLI.
We will not install the system at the customer’s location before we agree on the performance.
After installation JLI will monitor the system over the Internet every day the first week. -Then once a week and after that on demand.
What certification/approvals does JLI have?
None. We work in all kind of industries and cannot have certification for them all. We ask our customers about the requirements demanded and supply the equipment according to the relevant standards.
JLI have worked with FDA rules the last 30 years and can deliver equipment to the most stringent demands. We are also familiar with the requirements in heavy industries and laboratories.
What features/guarantees does JLI provide?
The features are discussed and agreed with the customers. We develop the systems for the customer and make sure that it will do the job, and be a success.
Our guarantee is the “No Cure No Pay” clause in our quotation. Basically JLI will look at the job and make sure that it will work. We cannot expect that our customers understand all the implications of automating with vision technology. JLI are the experts and must therefore take responsibility for the solution.
Does it work?
Yes, it does work. We give a functional guarantee on all our systems. JLI has supplied vision systems for more than 30 years to a big pharmaceutical company where we inspect injection systems. Three parts are inspected and we have about 40 systems in operation, performing five million inspections every day or one and a half billion inspections a year.
These are critical inspections as patient safety is involved.
In the glass industry, we inspect tubes and have so far inspected 70 million Km (halfway to the Sun) of glass tubes where we find defects down to 5 µm.
Can we see a system that is already running?
Our customers are quite secretive with their production and it is normally not possible to invite customers to see our systems in operation. However, at JLI we always have demonstration models and equipment being developed, so a visit to JLI may be worth while.
Do you have any references?
Yes. We have many references. Ask us and we will provide contact to the relevant customer.
You can also seek information in one of our case stories.
What is the price?
The price is dependent on the complexity of the project, and the complexity depends on a wide range of factors. However, we know them so well that we would like to give you an indication of how complex your vision project is and what it will cost. Learn more here
What is the payback time?
Whether the price is too high or not is ultimately about what you can achieve with your investment, in other words, what your return on investment will be.
Read more about how to calculate the ROI of your machine vision project.
Can we get a quantity discount?
Yes, JLI offer discounts on orders for multiple systems ordered at the same time.
Can JLI help with the financing?
Still have questions?
Get in touch with one of our experts
Send me an email at hb@jlivision.com
or book a meeting, and let's find out how we can help you.