The JLI team

Where curiosity meets helpfulness
We are a group of passionate and curious engineers working together to create advanced machine vision systems for our customers.
It's "first in the world" every time. We work and research in areas such as machine learning, 3D visions, color, and robot handling. We deliver the solutions others do not dare to or can't deliver.
At JLI you get the chance to use your qualifications in practice. Every day. Every employee has a say in how their role should be.
We have one of the best (if not the best) vision testing labs in Denmark with all sorts of cameras, lights and optics. If we find ourselves needing anything for a particular project, we just have to ask.
We have teams within the company dedicated to investigate new technologies. If one of those topics interests you, you can join and be part of the development.
"Personally, one of the more important aspects to me in a job is variation. At JLI, I get to work on different projects and tasks so it is definitely not repetitive. I was also really impressed with all the equipment available for testing as well as how helpful and friendly my colleagues are."


We don't have bosses. We have experts.
We believe that the key to success is that we are self-organized and that every employee knows their responsibilities and lives up to them.
JLI has 400 years of combined vision experience. Most of our team members have been with JLI for +10 years. That means that there is a lot of knowledge in the company for new employees to pick up from.
The colleagues at JLI are always ready to help. And the culture is very friendly. Simply put: We are a team. If one benefits at JLI then all of us benefit.
We value the social aspect of coming to work and we strive at having at least one social event per month. We throw Friday’s bar, Christmas lunches, game nights, company birthdays, and yearly company trips.
I love that every year we go on a company trip for 2-4 days. This is a great way to spend time with colleagues in a different setting. And we always come back with great ideas and great experiences.

Take a look inside our lab
One of the things that we believe set us apart is our very well-equipped lab. Our test facilities allow us to very quickly build mockups, test different approaches, and accelerate the process of finding the perfect solution for any given challenge.
Take a look inside, and see the equipment we work with every day.